ARC#07(Blue-CUT HMC Lenese)
₨1,100.00 ₨750.00
Arc Blue-cut Hmc lenese:Hard multi coated lenese with blue light protection system.The lenese helpsto users to reduce the glare and strains of eyes while reading ,working and gives perfact vision at any light condition.
Power Available:(-0.25sph to -6.00sph)
and Cyl Power Available(-0.25cyl to-2.00cyl)
Also availabale both high power spherical and cylindrical power but cost of lense depan upon the power lenese.
For more informatin contact:9861003896
Advanatage of ARC Blue-cut Hmc Lenese
.Hard coted glass with anti-reflection coted helps to blocks the unwanted light sourcess.
.Uv protector
.It is better than other normal glass
.Protect the blue harmfull rays from oncoming light source,tv,laptop and mobiles.
.Reduce the glare of light and makes easy to drive at night
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